Thursday, December 4, 2008
What I've Learned in EDM310
I think that this class is a good prerequisite for teachers to take. It helped me learn about spreadsheets and use Microsoft Word in a way I didn't know before. Teachers definately need to know how to use the computer in today's classroom.
There is not really anything that we did not cover that I think we should have. Mrs. Averitt did a great job! This class was very enjoyable.
For my ACCESS project I went to Satsuma High School and Satsuma, Alabama. They were really nice and helpful to me while I was there. The students actually showed me around the lab and filled me in on what they really do.
The students are not actually taking an ACCESS course via smartboard this semester. They said next semester they will begin the classes with another classroom over the monitor. In ACCESS courses it gives students a chance to take Advanced Placement classes. The ACCESS lab provides teachers with additional multimedia and technology tools to enhance instruction.
The ACCESS lab in equipped with Codec. Codec is technology for compressing and decompressing data. It also has cameras, monitors, a smartboard, wireless internet, and laptops for all of the students. They are able to receive all of these things by a grant that provides 12 pilot high schools with all of the needed materials.
Some classes that ACCESS has are Latin, German, Mandarin Chinese, AP English, AP Calculus, and AP Statistics, to name a few. These courses are normally not available to high school students. ACCESS gives them a chance to expand their horizons and begin preparing for college.
For each class that the students take they spend a regular class time in the lab. If the students take 4 ACCESS courses then they could spend their whole day in the lab. The students I talked to really enjoy the lab and say it is their favorite part of the day. The students' teachers send their work to the lab and they complete it there. There was only about 5 or 6 students in the lab while I was there. They receive more hands on time there and have a quieter area to study.
The ACCESS lab definately promotes e-learning to the students. The technology they have in the labs in unbelievable. The students know how to work everything and are able to actually talk to other students at another school via computer. ACCESS labs look like a really good idea from my perspective. I would definately want to take ACCESS courses if it were at my high school.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Pluses and Minuses of Blogging in the Classroom
First off, blogging in the classroom introduces students to technology in the classroom. This is a easy and fun way to get them learning. Blogging is a really easy tool to get them started on. The teacher could have each student have their own blog and write out their own opinions on things. The teacher could either have them do a journal type of blog or an assignment type, like we do in EDM310. By having the students do these blogs they are getting a feel of what its like to use technology with learning. Blogging is especially good for the quiet and shy kids. They can type out what they are thinking instead of having to talk in front of the whole class.
Although blogging has a lot of good things about it, it also has some cons. One thing that is a major factor is the security part of it. With having the students do blogs, they are putting themselves on the internet. We all know that when you place anything you've written on the internet, it is free game for the world to see. Even people you don't want seeing it. Teachers and parents can take the necessary precautions with this issue and it can be overruled. Another con that blogging in the classroom has is that some students might not be readily accessable to computers. Even in this time of technology not all homes have a computer. Those students without a computer in the home would either have to do their work at school or travel to a public place that has computers. This could become a potential problem.
Even though blogs have pros and cons, I think that the cons outweight the pros. Teachers should start getting students used to using technology and blogs are a great way to start. I know while using blogs in our classroom I really got the feel for computers. Before this class I wouldn't have known how to do a lot of things.
Electronic Conversation
My first email:
Mrs. Garrison,Hey! My name is Rachel Beaty and I attended Ocean Springs High School where you work. I am a student at the University of Southern Alabama now and I was just wondering if I could ask you a few questions about your school. First off, I was wondering if the teachers use technology in the classroom, and if so to what extent? Another thing I would like to know is if the technology actually helps the students learn or if it hinders their ability to? Does the technology make it easier for students to catch on? At your school I know their are special needs children, do they have access to the technology labs and if so how do they work in that situation? I know you run the Career Center at the school, so how does having the technology lab make your job easier? Do you think technology in the classroom is a good idea? And last but not least, what technology would you like to see used more in the classroom? Thank you so much for helping me out!Rachel Beaty
Her response:
Rachel,It is nice to hear that you are doing well! The University of Alabama is a fine school. As for your questions, I would be more than glad to help you out. The first thing you wanted to know was if the teachers use technology in the classroom, and if so to what extent? Well here at Ocean Springs High School technology is a big part of classroom learning and becoming bigger by the minute. Each classroom has a minimum of two computers. On those computers the students are able to research their studies, type out papers, and complete any assignments given to them by the teacher. The students are also required to visit my lab once a month to keep them updated on college and University information via computer. I help them apply to school online for two reasons. One reason is so that students who are not familiar with computers can get hands on experience, and so that they can someone is their pushing them to apply to college. Technology is a big part of learning here and I would like to see it grow even more. Your next question regarding if the technology helps or hurts the students, I would definately say that it helps 100%. In the world today, technology is everywhere. If the students do not get accustom to using it, they are going to be left to dry in the real world. It is our job here at the high school to prepare the students as much as we can for college and the real world. One major factor in succeeding in the world is to be able to use technology. Our special needs children here at Ocean Springs High School do, in fact, get time in the learning lab. They have special programs on the computers to help them better their skills. They have designated times to come in the lab and they seem to really enjoy it here. Technology makes a world of difference with my job. If I did not have the lab then all students would have to apply to college via snail mail. Nowadays that is pretty much unheard of. Technology is a great idea. I would definately like to see my school using more of it.Sincerely, Mrs. Garrison
My Second Email:
Mrs. Garrison,Thank you so much for helping me out with this. It sounds like technology is really import to you guys over there. I'm glad to hear that the special needs students don't miss out on the lab. For another assignment I had to visit a school here in Alabama to see a lab they have called an ACCESS lab, do you think Mississippi will ever get something along the lines of this? It seems really helpful to students.Rachel Beaty
Her response:
Rachel,I did some research on the ACCESS lab you spoke of. It sounds like a really cool idea. It allows the students to engage in Advanced Placement courses that they would otherwise not have access to. Here at Ocean Springs High School we have "AP" courses available, but we do not have a lab for the students to go to. If the students here score well enough on an exam given at the end of the class, they are able to count that class as a college credit. This seems like it is something along the lines of what they are doing in Alabama. Although we do offer AP classes, I would like to see us get an ACCESS lab. Of course it wouldn't be ACCESS here it would be MCCESS ;).Sincerely, Mrs. Garrison.
My Third Email:
Mrs. Garrison,You are right about the MCCESS ha ha! Thank you for all your help you have given me on this subject. I hope that your students are learning all they can from the technology y'all have available.Rachel Beaty
After this conversation I had with Mrs. Garrison I realized that technology in the classroom is a big deal. Teachers and administrators are becoming more into using technology. I think it is great that the students are getting a chance to use the technology.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Racial Cleansing in America Podcast
The next podcast I listened to was Racial Cleaning in America. Corbin, Kentucky is a very white run town. Laura Smith tells a story of when she was a child and they ran out of gas, so they got picked up by an African American. His mom lied to the man and told them they were actually from Williamsburg. This was because they didn't want the man to know they were from Corbin. Mrs. Boose was born in 1927. She tells a story of getting off the train and being scared to get of because the main train stop was in Corbin. The 1910 census shows that there were a total of 10 African Americans living in Corbin at the time. The blacks commuted there just to work on the railroad. There was a time called Red Summer when there was 25 race riots against the black. After this all but 3 African Americans were sent packing. This just goes to show you how bad the racism was back then.
Alice Cooper
Another part of her website gives information about Digitial Media and Photography Resource. This is a cool part of her website. She gives ideas and help to teachers who wants to incorporate digital cameras, camcorders, iMovies, podcasts, or digital photos into the classroom environment. This part of the site would be very helpful for up and coming teachers who want to use technology in the classroom. It gives them ideas on how to introduce it into the classroom.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Suggested improvements on podcasts
The next podcast I listened to was group number 3, Access Labs. They did a really great job first off. Their information was very indepth and detailed. They covered every aspect of the Access labs. They could have been more conversational in their talking though. Instead of each person just reading off what they wrote, they could talk amongst themselves about the topic. The fact that Susan experienced access lab is really cool.
The last podcast I listened to was group number 2. They talked about blogs in the classroom and how they can be used in education. They did a really good job also. They spoke clearly and loudly. Their information was very informative. If someone didn't know anything about blogs, then they would after listening to this podcast. The only thing they could have done different would to be more conversational. I think since this was our first podcast we were a bit nervous and just read off our papers. On the next podcast everybody could just talk amongst themselves more.
Although wikipedia does let anybody edit the information they do have a couple of things that they do to try to keep the correct information at hand. There is something called the Wikiscanner and it lets the public see who has edited the information that they are reading. If they can see who has written the information then maybe they can differentiate the true from the lies. Next they have a thing called Wikipedia scanner. Its a search tool that traves the comments and edits on Wikipedia entries back to their source IP address. Even with these tools I still think Wikipedia is not very useful for accurate information.
Friday, November 7, 2008
Using mathematics in the classroom
Judy Chandler also gives a lot of free resources available to teachers. These websites should be very beneficial for children. Technology has become a really important part of life in today's society. If children are not getting the proper experience with it they are being cheated out of something really wonderful. All teachers should research how they can start bringing in different learning tools with technology.
"growth" vs. "fixed mindset"
This movie is a very good thing for teachers. It can show them that if they administer the right kind of motivation for their students that the sky is the limit. If the teachers let the students know that the brain is in fact a muscle and that the more they use it the bigger it gets, the students will want to learn and see this effect happen.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
itunes video
My class could definately use this video as a learning resource. They could learn a lot about the solar system and how it works. A lot of people think that the sun is a lot closer and more insignificant than it is. While watching this video I learned different things that I did not know were true. I, for one, thought that the sun was just another star along with the others. I was wrong. The sun actually holds together our universe.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Itunes University
College students love itunes and ipods. This helps them learn on their own turf so to say. They can watch movies, download information, and a lot of cool stuff from the comfort of their own home. It also gives information in a more vivid way than just text and pictures. It also gives a chance for schools to open their information to the public to see. Students can download the information they need and listen and learn while they eat, workout, or ride in the car. It is learning of the future and an awesome thing at that.
video podcast summary
These podcasts are a great resource for children and teachers. It has a lot of visual effects that are good for the children. I think that it would keep their attention and get them interested in the subject at hand. I also think that is was a very informative video. Teacher could use these video podcasts in the classroom or have the students go home and watch them. They could have little quizzes on the videos and that would be a good way to keep them involved.
I was not aware of how many resources itunes had for teachers and students. The podcasts video and radio are an awesome tool to have in the classroom. I think it is a good thing that schools are starting to incorporate technology into the classroom. Technology is becoming a big part of learning and the students need to learn how to use it.
Mr. Sullivan's Presentation
I could use this as a future educator to help the students that are either handicapped in some way or are not computer literate. The presentation has a lot of good links for teachers to use in the classroom to help get them started.
Alabama Virtual Library
There is a really handy tab on the website that helps people who are computer illiterate. It is the training resources tab. It helps you find a trainer in your area to help you get to know the site and its full usage. It also has age group tabs so elementary school kids are not looking for information on a college level article. It also goes by topics so it is very easy for everyone to use. I think the AVL is an awesome tool to have.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Ipods in the classroom
A lot of elementary schools, middle schools, and high schools are even getting into the swing of things with ipod use in the classroom. They use podcasts to help get the children involved with learning. They use the audio tools to enhance their learning. Ipods engage the students and make things fun for them. Children nowadays know how to use technology pretty well, so why not incorporate something they know into something they can learn. This website is a good insight to ipods in the classroom.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
The second podcast I listened to kind of got of subject a lot. It was supposed to be about clouds but they talked about birthdays for a bit. It was SMARTBoard lessons podcast lesson 146. I can see how they just talk about can maybe get off subject, but after awhile they came back to subject and talked about clouds and cloud formations.
The third podcast I listened to was Connect Learning Episode 90. It was a room of 9000 librarians. It was to talk about what they thought about podcasting in the libraries. They talked about collaborating with the teachers on podcasting and getting feedback from each other. They could do research in the libraries, debate it in the classroom, and then when the kids got home their assignment would be online. I think that is a really cool idea and a good way to use the podcasts.
The fourth podcast that I listened to was Connect Learning Episode 96. It talked a bit about web 2.0. This podcast was also 9000 educators. They were not regular educators though they were court community/ community day school educators. They only kept their kids for about 40-45 at the most. Some of their kids only stayed a couple of days. They talked about how the kids coming in their schools already know about technology by using ipods and what not. That it was not a learning environment just a using environment.
Randy Pausche's last lecture
His first point was his childhood dreams and how he achieved each and everyone of them through hard work and perserverance. He talked about how when he was a child he was always smiling. There was not one single picture of him as a child not smiling. I think that says something about his character. A few of his childhood dreams were being in zero gravity, playing in the NFL, being captain Kirk, winning stuffed animals, being a disney imagineer, and being an author of the world book encyclopedia. As for the being in zero gravity, he achieved it. He put together a project with some of his students and they were allowed to fly on this jet plane called the "vomit comet." It gives about 25 seconds of zero gravity. For most people this dream would only be a dream, but he made it a reality.
As for enabling other peoples dreams he was a master. He started this thing called The Dream Fulfillment Factory. It allowed 50 students from all different departments of the college to come together and make virtual reality. He gave them 2 weeks to make a project. After those two weeks he was blown away. The students surpassed his expectations by far. This goes to show you to never set the bar too low. After this happened the project grew and grew. It has given students guaranteed jobs.
The roles of his parents, mentors and students played a big part in his life. His dad fought in WWII and won the bronze star for valor, and in 50 years of marriage his wife never knew. That goes to show what kind of person he is. His mentor was Andy Van Dam. He was described as a mythical creature. If it weren't for him he wouldn't have gone to graduate school. One thing he said in his lecture was in life you can either be a tigger or an eeyore, its your choice. I thought that was a really cool comparison to life.
All in all this was an awesome speech. It really made me think about life. I am a big beleiver in karma and so is he. He said "you can't get there alone" meaning if you do good to others, it will come around to you. He also said tell the truth, be earnest, apologize when you screw up, and focus on others, not yourself. Those are words that everybody needs to live by. I would definately recommend this speech to anybody.
Fischbowls post on August 15, 2006
His powerpoint was pretty cool. He used a lot of facts that a lot of people, I'm sure, did not know. He starts off by giving statistics about how many new computers his school will have in the new year. Then he talks about China and how many people they have compared to us. He goes on to give many more bizarre statistics that are crazy to think about. I think this presentation got a lot of teachers attention on what is really going on in the technological world. Hopefully they can better prepare their students for this.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
International K12 schools using blogs

the fischbowl
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Bloggin in K-12 schools

Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Another really great thing about ACCESS is the use of technology. It brings new technology into the classroom to simulate what will be used in the "real world." ACCESS seems like it is a very cool and useful program. I think a lot of schools should pick up this program and get their students, teachers, and parents involved.
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Thursday, September 4, 2008
ACCESS is what Alabama uses for distance learning. It provides technology to teachers through the internet. It gives them a way to find new ways to help kids learn. For the students there is an online Chemistry lab, equation plotter, and math help. There is even a place for parents to go and check things out. These two websites are very helpful for teachers.